Monday, December 21, 2015


A working knowledge of psp is assumed.

Supplies Needed

Tube of choice. (One with a close up is best)
I am using the art of PinUpToons. I purchased a license to use from CDO.
BP_template272, made by me. HERE.
WSL mask 84  HERE.
rnd_fade msk HERE
Fonts used are ErehwonRomanNF  and CAC Pinafore
[I've had several requests for the bg papers I used. I remade them and you can get them HERE]

NOTE: This tutorial is written for the supplies I used. If you are using something different, you may need to adjust some settings.

IPL = In Palette Layers

Remember to delete the original layer, after you've filled it with a new layer.

Let's Begin

Open template in psp. Duplicate, then delete original. IPL, delete credit layer, also delete staple 2, circle 2, and circle2 bg layers.

Let's start with the frame bg layer. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Fill with this color, 35445a. Select none.

Make a gradient color. Foreground is 36455b, and background is 586f84. In foreground click the gradient tab. Settings: Style is Linear. Angle is 43. Repeats are 4.  Click on the frame layer. Select all - Float - Defloat. New Raster layer. Fill with the gradient color. Select None. Adjust - Add/Remove Noise. Add noise. Settings: Gaussian - Monochrome - 5. Give a drop shadow. H & V = 2. Opacity = 80. Blur = 6. Color is black.

While we have this gradient, click on the white bg and make a New Raster Layer. Fill with the gradient color. Apply WSL mask 84.  Now apply the round fade mask. Layers - Merge group. Now apply the rnd mask. Layers - Merge group. Apply same noise effect, but change setting to 10.

Make a new gradient color. Keep the same settings, but change the foreground color to fdebe4, and the background to white. Click the frame trim1. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Fill with new gradient color. Apply same noise effect, still at 10.  Give same drop shadow.
Click on frame trim2 and give it the same shadow.

Use your magic wand to click inside trim2. Selections - Modify - Expand - by 10. Click on your close up tube. Mirror. Copy, and paste, as a new layer. Resize to your liking. Selections - Invert. Delete. Select none.  IPL, right click tube and duplicate.
Click on the original tube(this should be the botton of the two.)  and set Blend mode to Luminance. Opacity to 50. Effects - Textures - Blinds. Settings. Width = 3. Opacity = 100. Color is 283c52. Check Horizontal.
Click on duplicate tube. Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - set to 4. Change Blend mode to Soft Light, and set opacity to 70.

Open your text box. Font is ErehwonRomanNF, size 16 Bold. Leading is -0.099. Kerning is 30. Background color is white. Type out the words in my text, or something of your own. Edit - Copy - Edit - Cut. Paste as a new layer. Rotate left by 4 degrees.  IPL, right click and duplicate. Right click the duplicate and merge down to original. Give a drop shadow. H & V = 1. Opacity = 80. Blur = 4. Color is Black. Center text into the frame and below the frame trim2 layer.

Paste, as a new layer, your full tube. I kept mine the same size. IPL, right click and duplicate. Change the blend mode on the duplicate to multiply. Opacity at 50. IPL,  right click duplicate and merge down to original. Give a drop shadow. H & V = 1. Opacity = 50. Blue = 4. Color is black. Position to the right side of frame. (see my tag).

The rest is really pretty simple. Click on a layer, Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Fill with a color or a scrap paper of choice. Select None. Drop shadow. H & V = 2. Opacity = 80. Blur = 6. Color is black. Repeat these steps for all remaining layers. Add any embellishments of choice.

Add copyright and a name. Save.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it easy to follow

This tutorial was created on June 1, 2015All the ideas of this tutorial are copyrighted to Becky P
Any resemblance to any another tutorial is purely a coincidence.
You are welcome to link to this tutorial and/or print it out for your own personal use.
However, please do not copy this tutorial to place online, re-write, pass out, or claim as your own.