Monday, December 21, 2015

Autumn Leaves

A working knowledge of PSP is assumed.

Supplies Needed

Tube of choice. I am using the beautiful art of Zindy Nielsen, Which I purchased from her shop. ZindyZone.

Plug In filter, Xero - Soft mood
EyeCandy4 - Glass and Gradient Glow
Texturizer (if you don't have this one, try,  HERE)

BP_template245, made by me. HERE
AR315_CMC_Mask 64, from Creative Misfits Creations. HERE
There seems to be a problem with the mask, so I hope the maker will forgive me, but
you can get it

Four or five bg papers or use colors from tube. At least 1 scenic bg paper if possible.

Fonts used are Ambrosia and Carpenter ICG

This tutorial is written for the supplies I used. If you are using something different, you may need to adjust some settings.
IPLIn Palette Layers

Let's Begin

Open template in PSP. Duplicate and then delete original. IPL, delete the credit layer.

Go to Image - Resize. Be sure to put a check in All Layers. Resize down to 95%. Go to Image - Canvas Size. Make it 600 x 600 pixels. Click the center square under placement. Click on the white background layer and refill with white.
Still on white bg. New Raster Layer. Click on a dark color from your tube. I used 573325. Apply the mask. Click - Fit to Canvas, and Hide all mask.  Layers - Merge group. Using the Raster Deform tool, pull out the sides of the mask so it will show around the edges of your tag.

Now these next instructions are for the following layers.... Skinny rectangle, Fat Rectangle, Circle Fill, Circle, Frame trim, and Frame.
Click on one of these layers. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Fill with a color from your tube, or a bg paper of choice. Select None. IPL, delete the original layer. [When you've filled in the circle, go to Effects - 3D - Inner Bevel. Settings: Bevel # 5. Width = 6. Smooth = 5. Depth = 4. Ambience and Shine = 0.] Give each filled layer a drop shadow.   H & V = 2. Opacity = 100. Blur = 6. Color is black.

Give a drop shadow to the leaf layers. H & V = 1. Opacity = 75. Blur = 4. Color is black. Click on a leaf fill layer. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Fill with a color or a pattern of choice. Select None. Delete original layer. Duplicate new layer. Click on the duplicate, go to Effects - Plug Ins - Xero - Soft mood. I used default settings. Reduce opacity to 50%.

Click on the flower swirl. Put this color in your foreground color palette, 645e2e. Use your 'Change to target' tool. Size 5. Carefully move your cursor over the leaves, try not to go outside the leaf. Now, use you magic wand and click on each of the leaves. New Raster Layer. Selections - Modify - Feather- set at 2. Fill with the same green color. Select none. Click on your swirl and duplicate. Add drop shadow. H & V = 2. Opacity = 75. Blur = 4. Color is black.

Click on the flower fill. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Fill with a color or a pattern of choice. I used this color, ac22c. Select None. Delete original layer. Duplicate new layer. Click on the duplicate, go to Effects - Plug Ins - Xero - Soft mood. I used default settings. Reduce opacity to 50%.

Click on the frame fill layer. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Fill with a color or bg paper of choice. Select None. This step is for if you've used a pattern or scenic paper. Go to Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur. Set to 4. Duplicate. Click on duplicate. Plug Ins - Xero - Soft mood. I used default settings. Go to Effects - Plugins - Texturizer. Setting: Texture = canvas. Scale = 100%. Relief = 1. Light Direction = Top. Reduce opacity to 50%. IPL, right click and merge duplicate down. Delete original fill layer.

Click on the trim layer. Use magic wand to click inside. Selections - Modify - Expand by 4. Paste, as a new layer, your tube. Size to your liking and center it in the frame. Selections - Invert. Delete. Select None.
Duplicate the tube. Give the original layer a drop shadow. H & V = 1. Opacity = 50. Blur = 4. Color is black. Click on the duplicate tube and go to Plug Ins - Xero - Soft mood. I used default settings. Reduce opacity to 50%. IPL, right click and merge duplicate down.

Click on the white beads layer. Effects - PlugIns - EyeCandy4 - Glass. Settings: Bevel width = 30. Smoothness = 75. Check inside marquee. Edge Darkening and Gradient Shading = 0. Refraction = 50. Opacity and Tinting = 100. Color is 645e2e. Give beads and the strip a drop shadow. H & V = 2. Opacity = 75. Blur = 4. Color is black.

Go to Layers - View - View None. IPL, unhide bottom and top Angled rectangles. Rotate each to the left 15 degrees. Click on one. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster layer. Fill with this gradient color. Foreground is aeae7b. Background is fffecf. In Foreground click the gradient tab. Style is Sunburst. No angle and no repeats. Select None. Delete original rectangle. Go to Effects - Plugins - Texturizer. Setting: Texture = canvas. Scale = 100%. Relief = 1. Light Direction = Top. Repeat for second rectangle.

Open text box, I used the font Carpenter size 16. Kerning set to 0. Leading set to 0.395. Type out a verse or two of the song Autumn Leaves. (If you don't know the song, just google for the lyrics.) Or you can type what ever you want. I did the first two verses on the top box and the next two verses on the bottom box. After finishing the text, IPL, merge text down to rectangle. Rotate 15 degrees right. Once you've done both rectangles, go back to layers - View - View All.

Add copyrights. Merge all layers. Add name, and save.

For the name, I used the font, Ambrosia. I used a light color from my tube and then added a gradient glow and a drop shadow.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it easy to follow

This tutorial was created on August 18, 2014All the ideas of this tutorial are copyrighted to Becky P
Any resemblance to any another tutorial is purely a coincidence.
You are welcome to link to this tutorial and/or print it out for your own personal use.
However, please do not copy this tutorial to place online, re-write, pass out, or claim as your own.