Wednesday, December 23, 2015


A working knowledge of PSP is assumed.

Supplies Needed

Tube of choice. I am using the beautiful art of Jasmine Becket-Griffith,
which I purchased from CDO.
FloralCornerFrameMask, HERE 
PlugIn Filter - Xero - Radiance and Porcelain
Font used is Flower1

NOTE: This tutorial is written for the supplies I used. If you are using something different, you may need to change some settings.

IPLIn Palette Layers

Let's Begin

Instal mask in your mask folder, or however you are use to keeping them.

In PSP open a new image 600 x 250 and flood fill white.  New Raster Layer.  Fill with a color or paper of choice. Apply the mask using this setting: put a tic in Source luminance, As Is, and Hide all mask.  Layers - Merge Group.  IPL, duplicate the mask layer. Right click duplicate and merge down. Keeping it centered, move the mask to the top of your tag, as far as you can without leaving the canvas.

Open a new image size 150 x 200. Select All - Modify - Contract - by 5. Selections - Invert. Fill with black color. Select none. Copy and paste, as a new layer, onto your tag. Move to the left side of your tag. Leave some space so that the flowers from the mask can be seen. (see my tag) Select All - Float - De-float - Modify - Contract - by 1. New Raster Layer. Fill with the color or paper you used for the mask. Select none. Optional, add any texture or noise if you are using color and not paper. IPL, right click and merge down to black layer.

Use your magic wand to click inside the frame. Selections - Modify - Expand - by 4. Paste, as a new layer, your tube. (I used the tube with it's background) Re-size down to 70%. Center your tube in your frame. Selections - Invert. Delete.  IPL, move the tube layer below the frame layer.  Click on the frame layer and give it a drop shadow. H & V = 0. Opacity = 100. Blur = 10. Color is black. Repeat shadow and change Blur to 6. Use your rectangle selection tool and trace the shadow around the outside of your frame. Delete. Select None.

Click on your tube. IPL, duplicate. Click on the copy.  Go to Effects - Plug-Ins - Xero - Radiance. Settings: Strangeness = 124. Charm = 135. Truth = 255. Beauty = 135.
Xero - Porcelain. Settings: Softness = 50. Strength = 128. Brightness = 128. Red = 0. Green = 255. Blue = 120.
IPL, duplicate the copy. This is copy 2. Click on it. Go to Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur. Set to 4. Change blend mode to screen and reduce opacity to 50. Click on copy 1. Change blend mode to soft light.  IPL, hide the white background and mask layers. Right click any other layer and merge visible. Un-hide the hidden layers.
 Use your rectangle selection tool and trace the shadow around the outside of your frame, as you did before. Delete. Select None. Make a copy of the framed tube and save it as  your avatar. Give frame a drop shadow. H & V = 2. Opacity = 75. Blur = 6. Color is black.

Add any elements you want. I copied the butterfly from the tube and placed it on the frame. I added a few beads. A lily and some dragonflies completes the tag for me.

Add copyrights and a name. Save.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it easy to follow.

This tutorial was created on February 21, 2014All the ideas of this tutorial are copyrighted to Becky P
Any resemblance to any another tutorial is purely a coincidence.
You are welcome to link to this tutorial and/or print it out for your own personal use.
However, please do not copy this tutorial to place online, re-write, pass out, or claim as your own.