Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Little Lady in Red

A working knowledge of psp is assumed

Supplie Needed
Two tubes from same artist. I used the wonderful art of Suzzane Woolcott,
which can be purchesed
here. (I'm not sure if her store is still open)
BP_template63, HERE
BP_grungyMsk9, HERE
Filters Unlimited2
Richard Rosenman - Scanlines
Font used is 2Peas Airplanes

Let's Begin
Open BP_template63 in PSP. Type Shift and d to duplicate. Delete original template. In palette layers delete the preview and tou layers. After reading tou of course. :o)
In palette layers click on the white background layer. Now go to Layers - New Raster Layer. Flood fill this layer with a medium darkish color from your tube. I chose the dark creamy tan from the stripe socks.  Apply BPgrungyMsk9. Layers - Merge group. Mirror the mask.

For each layer of the template (except for the frame backgrounds) chose one at a time and  go to Selections - Select All- Selections - Float - Selections - Defloat - Layers - New Raster Layer. Flood fill with a color of choice, preferably a color from your tube. Selections - Select none. Delete the original layer.

For the frame background layer we want to create a paper. Open a new image size 600 x 600 and flood fill with a light color from your tube. I used the light cream color from the striped socks. Filters - Richard Rosenmans - Scanlines. Settings: Starting at the top: 30 - 15 - -255 - 0 - 0. If your stripes are not already horizontal click the U/V tab at the bottom. Using your magic wand, click on every other black stripe. Flood fill these with a dark color from your tube. I chose red.

In your foreground color palette click the pattern tab. Locate the stripe paper you just made. For Frame bg 1 you want to put the angle at 355. For Frame bg 2 you want the angle at 5. The scale is 50 for each.
Click on one of the frame backgrounds go to Selections - Select All- Selections - Float - Selections - Defloat - Layers - New Raster Layer. Flood fill with your stripe. Selections - Select none. Delete the original frame bg layer. Repeat for other frame bg.

Click on the center of frame 1. Selections - Modify - Expand - by 4. Paste, as a new layer, your tube. Center the tube inside the frame. Selections - Invert. Delete. Selections - Select none. Add a drop shadow to your tube. H & V = 2. Opacity = 80. Blur = 6. Color is black. Repeat these steps for frame 2.

Click on the heart cluster. Go to Effects - 3D - Inner Bevel. Settings: Bevel #2 - Width = 31. Smoothness = 10. Depth = 4. Ambience = 5 - Shine = 0. Add a drop shadow. H & V =1. Opacity = 50. Blur = 4. Color is black.

Click on the large flower. Filters - Filters unlimited - Paper textures - Canvas Fine - Intensity = 156 - Lightness = 87. Now go to Effects - 3D - Inner Bevel. Settings: Bevel #2. Width - 31. Smoothness = 20. Depth = 2. Ambience = 0. Shine = 0.
Add a drop shadow. H & V = 1. Opacity = 100. Blur = 1. Color is two shades darker than your flower color. My flower is cream and so my shadow is a darker cream or tan. Apply the same drop shadow except the H & V are -1.  Apply one more drop shadow. H & V = 1. Opacity = 50. Blur = 4. Color is black.

Click on a flower top. Apply the same paper texture just used for the flowers. Now apply the same bevel you used for the heart cluster. Add a drop shadow. H & V = 0. Opacity = 80. Blur = 4. Color is black.  Repeat with the other two flower tops.

Click on Frame 1. Go to filters unlimited - paper textures - Papyrus - Intensity = 34. Lightness = 96. Add a drop shadow. H & v = 2. Opacity = 80. Blur = 6. Color is black. Repeat for frame 2.

Merge all layers.
Add any embellishments you'd like. I added two little black bows.

For the name text I used the font 2Peas Airplanes, size 36. Stroke width is 1.50. Foreground color is black. Background color is the stripe paper. Angle = 0. Scale = 50. Apply same drop shadow used for the frames.

Add proper copyrights and save as a png or jpeg file.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it easy to follow.
This tutorial was created on April 25, 2010.
All the ideas of this tutorial are copyrighted to Becky P
Any resemblance to any another tutorial is purely a coincidence.
You are welcome to link to this tutorial and/or print it out for your own personal use.
However please do not copy this tutorial to place online, re-write, pass out or claim as your own.