Wednesday, December 23, 2015


A working knowledge of PSP is assumed.

Supplies Needed

Tube of choice
I am using the art of Alex Prihodko, which I purchased from PicForDesign.

BP_template226 HERE   

PlugIn filter (cybia)Screenworks - Pin hole

Background mask of choice.

Fonts used  Vitality and MeaCulpa

A selection of bg papers, or colors of choice.
(I used some spare scrap papers of denim and calicos I had in my files)

NOTE: This tutorial is written for the supplies I used. If you are using something different, you may need to adjust some settings.

IPL = In Palette Layers

Let's Begin

Open template in psp. Copy and delete original. IPL, delete credit layer and all shadow layers. (unless you want to keep shadows)

IPL, do some rearranging. Move rectangle 2 and 3 up to just below rectangle 1. Right click 1 and merge down. Right click the merged 1 and 2 layer and merge down to layer 3. Do the same with the rectangle trim layers. Move the merged rectangle trim layers to above the newly merged rectangle layers. Ok, that should do it.

Click on the merged rectangle layers. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Fill with a bg paper or color of choice.
Paste, as a new layer, your tube. Resize to your preference. I decreased my tube down by 70%. Center it over the 3 rectangles. Selections - Invert. Delete. Select None.
IPL, right click the tube layer and duplicate.
 Click on the original tube layer. Effects - Cybia Screenworks - Pin hole. Click on the duplicate tube. Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - set to 4. Change blend mode to Screen.
Click on the rectangle layers again. Select All - Invert. Click on the duplicate tube layer. Delete. Select none. (this is to remove any excess blur).
 IPL delete the template layer of the merged rectangles. Give the filled layer a drop shadow. H & V = 1. Opacity = 80. Blur = 5.

These next instructions are for all the rectangle layers.

Click on a rectangle. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Fill with a paper or color of choice. Select none. Delete original layer. Add a drop shadow. H & V = 2. Opacity = 85. blur = 5. Color is black. Repeat for all other rectangles, using different bg papers or colors.

Make a gradient color. Foreground is a dark to medium color from your tube. Background is a much lighter shade of the same color. In Foreground click the gradient tab. Style is Sunburst. Angle and Repeats = 0. H  & V = 50.
Click on the circle layer. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Fill with gradient color. Selections - Modify - Expand - by 2. New Raster Layer. Fill with white. Select None. IPL, delete the template circle, move the white layer below the gradient layer. Give white layer same drop shadow last used. Click on the gradient layer. Effects - Texture effects - Weave. Settings: Gap = 2. Width = 8. Opacity = 1. Gap color is white. Check fill gaps.

Go to the gradient color tab. Keep the same colors, but change the settings. Style = Linear. Angle = 44. Repeats = 4.
Click on the merged trim layer. Select All - Float - Defloat. New  Raster Layer. Fill with the gradient color. Select none. Delete template trim layer. Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add noise. Settings: Check Gaussian and Monochrome. Set noise to 38. Add drop shadow. H & V = 1. Opacity = 100. Blur = 5. Color is black. Repeat drop shadow.

Click on the stitch layer. Select all - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Fill with this color, e6e2de. Select None. Delete template stitch layer. Apply same noise effect used for the trim. Go to Effects - 3D - Inner Bevel. Settings: Bevel#2. Width = 31. Smoothness = 20. Depth = 9. Ambiance and Shine = 0. Apply drop shadow last used.

Click on the flower stem. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Fill with bg paper or color of choice. Select none. IPL, delete template stem layer. Effects - 3D effects - Inner Bevel. Settings: Bevel #2. Width = 15. Smoothness = 22. Depth = 1. Ambiance and Shine = 0. Drop shadow. H & V = 2. Opacity = 85. blur = 5. Color is black.  Repeat these steps for the leaf.

Do the same with the flower petals, only be sure to make each petal layer a slightly different color. When doing the inner bevel effect, change the width to five.

For the flower center, I left it the same color, and then went to Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add noise. Settings: Check Gaussian and Monochrome. Set noise to 38. Add drop shadow.

Open your text box. Font is Vitality size 30 bold. Background color of choice. Type out LOVE. Copy - Delete - Re-paste as a new layer. Select All - Float - Defloat - Modify - Expand - by 1. New Raster Layer. Fill with white. Select none. IPL, move white layer below color layer. Give white layer a drop shadow. Click on color layer and go to Effects - 3D - Inner bevel. Settings: Bevel #2. Width = 10. Smoothness = 5. Depth = 1. Ambiance and Shine = 0. IPL, right click color layer and merge down to white. Place anywhere on your tag. Repeat with words JOY and PEACE. (Of course you can choose any words you like.)

Click on the white background layer. New Raster layer. Fill with a color of choice, and apply your mask of choice.

Add any elements you like. (I think I may have over did mine a bit. lol)

Add copyrights and a name. Merge all layers and Save.

For the name, I used the font Meaculpa size 36 bold. Black. Drop Shadow, same as last used. Place at the upper right of tag.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it easy to follow

This tutorial was created on March, 2014All the ideas of this tutorial are copyrighted to Becky PAny resemblance to any another tutorial is purely a coincidence.
You are welcome to link to this tutorial and/or print it out for your own personal use.
However, please do not copy this tutorial to place online, re-write, pass out, or claim as your own.