Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Autumn Days

This tutorial was created using PSP 9. A working knowledge of PSP is assumed.

Supplies Needed
 Tube of choice. I am using the beautiful art of Zindy Nielsen,
which I purchased from her site, HERE.

BP_template203, Made by me.  HERE
My supplies (4 bg papers and butterfly)  HERE
Background mask of choice

Font used is MeaCulpa

NOTE: This tutorial is written for the supplies I used. If you are using something different, you may need to adjust some settings.

IPL = In Palette Layers

Let's begin

Open template and my supplies in PSP.

Click on the template and type shift and D, to duplicate. Delete original.

 Let's start at the bottom. Click on the oval fill. Create a new Raster layer.  In your color palette under the pattern tab, select the green paper. Keep the angle at 0 and scale at 100. Fill the new layer with the green paper. Select None. IPL delete the oval fill layer.
Click on the oval frame and give it a drop shadow. H & V = 2. Opacity = 80. Blur = 6. Color is black. IPL, delete the oval frame's shadow layer. (it will say delete)
With magic wand, click on the square frame fill. Paste, as a new layer, the fall paper. Rotate right by 5 degrees. Center it in the square frame. Click on the fill layer. Selections - invert. Click on the fall paper and hit delete. Select none. IPL delete the fill layer. Give the square frame the same drop shadow as you gave the oval frame.

With magic wand, click on the leaf 2 fill. New Raster Layer. In the color palette click the pattern tab. Select the red paper. Set the scale to 50. Fill the new layer. Select none. IPL, delete original fill layer. Click on the leaf 2  and give it the same drop shadow last used.
Repeat these steps for leaf 1 and it's fill. Using the yellow paper.

IPL, Delete the Days trim and shadow. Now click on the Days text layer. Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat. Layers - New Raster Layer. Fill with a color from your tube. I used 9c953f.  New Raster Layer. Selections - Modify - Expand - by 2. Fill with black. Modify - Expand - by 2. New Raster Layer. Fill with white. Select none. IPL move the green layer to the top, then the black layer and put the white layer below the black. Add a drop shadow to the white layer.

Add a drop shadow to Image 1 and Image 2. Same as you've been using.

Paste, as a new layer, your tube. I increased the size of mine to 110. In palette layers right click and duplicate. Repeat. You want three tube layers. Click on the top tube layer. Go to Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - set at 4. Set blend mode to Overlay. Click on the second tube layer. Set blend mode to Multiply. Reduce opacity to 50. Click on the original tube layer and give it the same drop shadow we've been using. Go to Layers - View - None. Back in palette layers unhide the three tube layers. Right click one and merge visible. Layers - view - all.
Position the tube where you want it over the square frame layer. Use your lasso tool to trace out the bottom of your tube so that it fits just inside and along the bottom of the frame. Delete. Or, you can trace it around the bottom of the oval frame. (see my tag)

Paste, as a new layer, the butterfly. Use your magic wand to click inside each of the wing sections. Selections - modify - expand - by 2. New Raster Layer. Fill with the red paper, but have the scale set to 30. Select none. IPL move the red layer below the butterfly. Give the butterfly a drop shadow. Same as used before. IPL, right click butterfly and merge down to the red layer. Reduce the size down to 60%. Place between the a and u of Autumn.
Paste, as a new layer, another butterfly. Follow the same steps as used for the first butterfly. This time use the yellow paper. After merging resize down to 50%. Rotate right by 15 degrees. Place between the t and u of Autumn.

IPL, hide the white background layer. Right click any other layer and merge visible. Resize down to 90%. Unhide the white background layer. New Raster layer. Fill with this color, 9c953f. Apply a mask of choice.

For the name I used the font MeaCulpa size 48 Bold. Stroke width = 1.50. Kerning set to 10. Foreground color is black. Background color is b3242f. Add the same drop shadow. Position slightly centered over yellow leaf.

Add correct copyright info. Merge all layers and save.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it easy to follow
.This tutorial was created on September 22, 2013All the ideas of this tutorial are copyrighted to Becky P
Any resemblance to any another tutorial is purely a coincidence.
You are welcome to link to this tutorial and/or print it out for your own personal use.
However, please do not copy this tutorial to place online, re-write, pass out, or claim as your own.