Saturday, June 13, 2020

Flowers On Lace

A working knowledge of PSP is assumed.
This tutorial was made using psp9, but should work with most versions.


Tube of choice. 
I am using the art of Anna Liwanag. Her tubes can be found at CDO.

Font used Radical Beat 2

Notice: This tutorial is written for the materials I used. If you are using something different, you may need to adjust some settings.

IPL = In Palette Layers

Reminder: Be sure to delete the template layers as you fill them, unless indicated otherwise.

Let's Begin

In PSP open SE_template113. Duplicate and delete the original.
IPL, delete the credit layers, the card outline, the center strip and the center strip outline. 
Move the frame and the frame fill more to the center of the template. (see my tag) Move the film strip layers about a half inch to the right. (see my tag)

Click on the white bg layer and now add a New Raster Layer. Fill with this color, #e37e7c.
Apply the mask_bghi. Layers - Merge - Merge group. Using the Raster Deform Tool, bring in the sides about half an inch. Position the mask layer so it's even on all sides. Reduce opacity to 80.

Click on the bg doily. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster layer. Fill with this color, fef9f8. Select none. Go to Effects - 3D - Inner Bevel. Settings: Bevel #2. Width = 4. Smoothness = 10. Depth = 1. Ambience and Shininess = 0. Add a drop shadow. V & H = 1. Opicity = 60. Blur = 4. Color is black.

Make a gradient color. Background color is e6a9a7. Foreground color is 900019. In foreground click the gradient tag. Settings: Style = Linear. Angle = 50. Repeats = 3.

Click on bg paper 3. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Fill with your gradient color. Go to Adjust - Add/Remove Noise. Add noise. Settings: Check Gaussian and Monochrome. 25%. Select None. Add drop shadow. V & H = 1. Opicity = 60. Blur = 4. Color is black.

While you still have this gradient, click on film strip layer 3. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Fill with your gradient color. Go to Adjust - Add/Remove Noise. Add noise. Settings: Check Gaussian and Monochrome. 25%. Select None. Add drop shadow. V & H = 1. Opicity = 60. Blur = 4. Color is black.

Click on bg paper 2. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Fill with this color, fffbf8. Add drop shadow last used.

Click on bg paper 1. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. From your foreground color palette, click the pattern tab. Select the dot paper. Set the scale to 25%. Now fill the new raster layer. Select none. Add same drop shadow.

Click on the notebook layer. Using your magic wand, click on the brown section. New Raster Layer. In your foreground color palette click the pattern tab. Select the gold paper. Reduce the scale to 35. Fill the brown part of the notebook. Select none. Do Not Delete the notebook template layer.  IPL, right click the gold layer and merge down to the notebook layer. Add same drop shadow.

While you still have the gold paper in the pattern tab, click on the frame layer. Use the change to target tool, set at 50% and click the frame once. Give the frame a drop shadow.

Click on the card layer. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Go to the foreground pattern tab and select the floral paper. Change the scale to 150. Fill the new  raster layer. Apply the same noise effect you used on bg paper 3  Select none. Add drop shadow.

Click on film strip layer 2.  Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Fill with this color, fffbf8. Select none.

I decided to keep film strip layer 1 black. So do not delete it. Give it the same drop shadow we've been using.

Click on the frame fill layer. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. From the foreground pattern  tab select the dot paper. Set Angle to 90 and scale to 150. Fill the new raster layer. IPL, duplicate. Change the blend mode on the duplicate to Screen.  Keep the layer active. 

Select your tube. I chose the red close up. Paste it as a new image on your work space. IPL, right click and duplicate. Click on the duplicate. Go to Adjust - Automatic Saturation Enhancement. Settings: Bias = More Colorful. Strength = Normal. Check skin tones present. IPL, right click and merge down to original layer.
Copy the tube and paste, as a new layer, onto your tag. Resize down to 65%. Center it into the active frame fill layer. Selections - Invert. Delete. Select None. Give the tube a drop shadow. H & V = 1. Opacity = 50. Blur = 2. Color is black.

Click on the film strip fill layer. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. Fill new layer with this color,fdd0cd . Select None.

Ok, this is where it starts to get a bit tricky. I hope I can explain this properly.
Go to Layers - View - View None. IPL, unhide the gradient fill layer. 

Paste, as a new layer, the close up tube. IPL duplicate until you have 3 total. Hide 2 of the tubes. 
Rotate the visible tube left by 15 degrees.

Using your magic wand, with tolerance set to 75, click on the first square. Move your tube to the square and center it. Selections - Invert. Delete. Select None.
Unhide the second tube. Increase in size up to 150. Click the second square and center your tube. Selections, Invert. Delete. Select None.
Unhide the third tube. Mirror. 
Click the third square, and center the third tube. Selections - Invert. Delete. Select None.

IPL, starting with the top tube, merge it down to the middle, then merge down to the bottom.
Use your selection lasso tool and carefully encircle the eyes and the mouths of all three tubes. Selections - Invert. Put  the color black in your foreground color palette. Use your change to target brush, opacity set at 100, and run your cursor over each of the tubes twice. Select none. Change the opacity to 30 and run your cursor over the tubes one more time.
Layers - View - View All.

Paste, as a new layer, the flower leaf. Duplicate. Mirror one. Place at the bottom left of tag. Add drop shadow. Paste, as a new layer each of the flowers. Arrange them side by side overlapping slightly. Drop shadow. Paste, as a new layer, the bead. Duplicate as many as you want, and resize one or two. Place them along the bottom of your tag. drop shadow.
Paste, as a new layer, the pendant. Place it to the upper left of tag. Just over the notebook. Paste the tassel so it looks to be on the pendant. Now paste the staple over that. drop shadow.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it easy to follow.

This tutorial was created June 13, 2020
All the ideas of this tutorial are copyrighted to BeckyP
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely a coincidence.
You are welcome to link to this tutorial and/or print it out for your own personal use.
Please do not copy this tutorial in order to place online. 
Please do not re-write, pass out, or claim as your own. Thank you for your cooperation.