Saturday, August 29, 2020

Not Quite Ready

A working knowledge of PSP is assumed.


Tube of choice. (One with a close up works best.)
I am using a tube I bought from Barbara Jensen.
Mask 598 from Insatiable Dreams. Here
Font used is CAC Pinafore

Notice: This tutorial is written for the materials I used. If you are using something different, you may need to adjust some settings.

IPL = In Palette Layers

Let's Begin

In PSP, open a new image size 700 x 700. Fill with white.

From my supplies, paste, as a new layer, the patterned paper. (The paper is actually bigger than the image, but that's ok.)

Click on your Close up tube. I enhanced the color of my tube. Go to Adjust - Automatic Saturation Enhancement. Settings: Bias = Normal. Strength = Strong. Check skintones present. Copy the tube.

Paste the tube onto your tag. Keeping it centered. Increase the size up to 130. Give it a drop shadow. H & V = 1. Opacity = 70. Blur = 10. Color is black. (Like the paper, it will be too big, but again, that's ok.) IPL, Reduce the opacity to 50. Still IPL, right click the tube and merge down to the paper layer.

Apply the mask598. Settings: Put checks(tics) in, Source Luminance. Fit to Canvas. Hide all masks. 
Go to Layers - Merge - Merge Group. Apply the mask again, exactly the same. 

Click on your rectangle tool. Select draw square. Line style is solid. Width - 4. Put Black in the foreground color palette. With your cursor, draw out a large hollow square in the center of the mask. Size, about 525 x 525. Go to Objects - Align - Center of Canvas. You want this square frame about half an inch inside the mask layer. Layers - Convert to Raster Layer.

Still on your square. Select all - Float - Defloat - Modify - Contract - by 1. Fill with this color, 6d4c38. Select None. Give a drop shadow. H & V - 1. Opacity = 50. Blur = 4. Color is black.
Apply the same mask with the same settings. Do so a second time.

Paste, as a new layer, the flower from my supplies. Move it to the upper right corner of the square. Select All - Float - Defloat. New Raster Layer. 

Create a gradient color. Foreground is eec5df. Background color is, 85665f. In Foreground, click the gradient tab. Style is Sunburst. H & V = 50. Fill the new raster layer. Select None. Effects - 3D - Inner Bevel. Bevel #2. Width = 3. Smoothness = 10. Depth = 1. Ambience = -2. Shininess = 0. 

Click on the black flower layer. Adjust - Softness - Soften. Duplicate the black layer. IPL, merge the top layer down with the bottom. Still IPL, merge the pink flower layer with the black. Right click and duplicate. Give the original a drop shadow. 

Click on the duplicate flower. Resize it down to 65%. Give it a drop shadow. Move to just below the first flower. (See my tag) Duplicate the second flower and resize it down to 75%. Duplicate it two more times. Place the three smaller flower below the first two. (see my tag)

Paste, as a new layer, the original size tube. I enhanced the color of this the same as I did the close up.

Move the tube to the left of the square, overlapping the square about half an inch or so. (see my tag) IPL, right click and duplicate your tube. Use your lasso selection tool and trace out the bottom of the tube. Start at the corner of the square and up to just below the wrist and down around the bottom. See example below. Selections - Modify - Feather. Set to 10. Delete. Select None.

Click on the original tube. Apply the same mask we've already used, and do the same settings. Layers - Merge - Merge Group. IPL right click the duplicate tube and merge down to the original. Reposition the tube just slightly upward. (see my tag)

Paste, as a new layer, the teddy from my supplies. Position it to the lower right of the square. Give it a drop shadow. Once more apply the same mask with same settings. 

Paste, as a new layer, the lipstick from my supplies. Resize down to 50%. Place at the bottom, center of the square frame. Give the same shadow you used for the square frame.

Paste, as a new layer, the compact. Resize down to 50%. Place it just slightly below and to the right of the lipstick. (see my tag) Give it the same drop shadow.

Paste, as a new layer, the shoes. Resize down to 90%. Move to the left of the lipstick. Add shadow.

Add copyright. and Name.
IPL, right click any layer and merge visible.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it easy to follow.

This tutorial was created Aug. 29, 2020
All the ideas of this tutorial are copyrighted to BeckyP
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely a coincidence.
You are welcome to link to this tutorial and/or print it out for your own personal use.
Please do not copy this tutorial in order to place online. 
Please do not re-write, pass out, or claim as your own. Thank you for your cooperation.